New Delhi: After ending the 15-day CBI custody on Thursday, senior Congress leader and former Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram was produced in Rouse Avenue Court from where he was sent to jail in judicial custody. The INX Media case was heard on Thursday in Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi. On Thursday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) appealed to send former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram to judicial custody, although P. Chidambaram’s lawyer Kapil Sibal opposed it. Kapil Sibal said in court that the CBI has to tell why it is necessary to send P. Chidambaram to judicial custody.
In the INX Media case, Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court gave the verdict on Thursday after hearing. The court has sent P. Chidambaram to judicial custody till 19th September for 14 days. He will remain in Tihar Jail for the next 14 days. Explain that the CBI had appealed to send former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram to judicial custody. P. Chidambaram’s lawyer Kapil Sibal opposed it.