JNS: In order to protect the environment and give impetus to the FIT INDIA campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the district administration under the leadership of Deputy Commissioner Bokaro Mukesh Kumar has issued an advisory to the government offices in particular and common people at large to refrain from using vehicles in regular manner.
This is second in the series of initiatives undertaken by the Deputy Commissioner under the movement- ‘Muskuraaiye Aap Bokaro Mein Hain’.
Earlier under the movement, the ban on plastic items in government offices has been done and an appeal has been issued to the public at large to ban plastic completely from their life. Next in the series under the movement ‘Muskuraaiye Aap Bokaro Mein Hain’ is the use of cycle, resorting to car pool or becoming pedestrian in order to commute to offices, markets and parks.
The advisory has appealed all to refrain from use of vehicle on every Saturday of the week.
DC asked his officials and staffs to use cycle at least one day to come to the office from next Saturday. DC also urged mass to use cycle at least one day in a week.
This will not only reduce the consumption of oil, but will also reduce the economic pressure of the Government, he said. “If someone cannot use a bicycle in any worst circumstances, then use the cars or motorbikes by sharing with others so that fuel consumptions can be minimized along with pollution,” added DC.
Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment, said DC.
“Most importantly the dream of our Prime Minister to remain fit will be realised if we use less of motorized life and remain active. The use of cycle or walking to the office will have a charismatic positive effect on the health, if adopted for a larger duration,” added DC.
Though this advisory is not legally binding but it is bound to attract the attention of all. The Deputy Commissioner would launch this movement on 20 September.
Following the clarion call given by Prime Minister to shun single-use of plastic a total ban on plastic has been already imposed in the offices across the district, said DC.
We have launched a ‘plastic-free’ exercise by getting rid of such materials in all Government offices, an order has been executed stating that the use of plastic items such as plastic bags, water bottles, plastic glasses, plates, tea cups including others is banned in all Government offices in the district from the immediate effect, he said.
DC also urged the local bodies in the district to completely avoid the use of plastic, complying with the Government’s decision to ban all types of plastic in the country.