# A cutting-edge technique using moon crystals from Apollo missions challenges existing lunar formation theories.
JNS: The Moon, Earth’s celestial companion, may have formed at least 4.46 billion years ago, according to a groundbreaking study that has pushed back the age of the lunar body by 40 million years. This new revelation challenges the existing theories about the Moon’s formation and provides fresh insights into the early history of our solar system.
Published in the journal “Geochemical Perspectives Letters,” the study utilized lunar dust crystals brought back by Apollo astronauts in 1972 to pinpoint the Moon’s formation time. These ancient crystals, which have undergone rigorous analysis over the years, were the key to unlocking this significant discovery.
“These crystals are the oldest known solids formed after the giant impact. And because we know how old these crystals are, they serve as an anchor for the lunar chronology,” explained Philipp Heck, a professor at the University of Chicago and the study’s senior author.
The analysis of these lunar crystals, conducted by researchers at the Field Museum and the University of Glasgow, has upended previous estimates. It now suggests that the oldest crystal among them is approximately 4.46 billion years old, revising the previous estimate.
Lead author Dr. Jennika Greer of the University of Glasgow expressed her excitement, saying, “It’s amazing being able to have proof that the rock you’re holding is the oldest bit of the moon we’ve found so far. It’s an anchor point for so many questions about the Earth. When you know how old something is, you can better understand what has happened to it in its history.”
This groundbreaking discovery was made possible through the use of an advanced technique known as atom probe tomography. This method involves utilizing a laser to vaporize atoms from finely honed crystals, creating an extremely fine “nano tip.” By examining the atoms in the moon’s crystals that have undergone radioactive decay on an atom-by-atom basis, researchers were able to arrive at a more precise determination of the Moon’s age.
The implications of this revised lunar timeline are vast. Understanding that the Moon formed 40 million years earlier than previously thought provides scientists with a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the Moon’s historical development and its connection to Earth’s own history. This newfound knowledge promises to shed light on the complex processes that shaped our solar system’s early years.
As humanity’s exploration of the cosmos continues, this discovery underscores the enduring importance of our closest celestial neighbour, the Moon, and its role in unravelling the mysteries of the universe.