Shanmugaratnam, Indian-origin economist, wins Singapore presidential election

JNS: Indian-origin economist and former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam won Singapore’s presidential election landslide. The results were released Friday around midnight.

The Minister received almost 70% of votes in the first contested presidential election since 2011. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, 66, was Singapore’s deputy prime minister from 2011 to 2019. His political career began in 2001.

He served as a minister in the public sector.

Tharman will follow Sellapan Ramanathan and Chengara Veetil Devan Nair as Singapore’s third Indian president. Over 2.7 million voters cast ballots earlier. Singaporeans turned out in significant numbers for the first competitive presidential election in almost a decade on Friday.

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